My academic research primarily examines 1) reducing chronic disease disparities among rural and marginalized populations and 2) translating evidence-based obesity prevention and management recommendations into practice. I also have an interest in public health pedagogy, research, and practice. Representative publications are listed to the right.
Research funding
My dissertation, which examined Nutrition Facts label use among U.S. adolescents, was supported by two grants from the University of South Carolina. I have also worked on projects funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Donaghue Foundation, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and the West African Research Association.
Conference presentations
My conference presentations have received awards from the American Public Health Association, American Society for Nutrition, South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and Society for Epidemiologic Research.
Conference symposia organized
Tarfa, A., Serpas, D.G., Mandelbaum, J., Canton, I., Clark, V., Mooney, J., & Yada, F. (2023, April). Graduate student panel: Integrating health equity into student/trainee research. Panel at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Mandelbaum, J., Joseph, P., Bodenlos, J., Conroy, D., Dahl, A., Goldstein, C., Stanton, M., Turner-McGrievy, G., & Jonassaint, C. (2020, April). Getting the mentoring you need as a student or early career professional. Panel at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (canceled due to COVID-19)
Martinelli, M., Hoffman Marchese, S., Johnson, L., Joseph, P., Manasse, S., Mandelbaum, J., & McVay, M.. (2020, April). The Student SIG presents: Tips for successful grant writing for gradate and post-doctoral students. Panel at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (canceled due to COVID-19)
Mandelbaum, J., Almeda, J., Blackwell, S., Hopkins, J.W., Myers, K., Hicks, S., & Daguise, V. (online ahead of print). An analysis of the social determinants of health in South Carolina’s I-95 corridor. Health Promotion Practice.
Mandelbaum, J., Myers, K.G., Brightharp, C.L., & Hicks, S. (2023). Assessment of chronic disease management strategies among health c practices in medically underserved South Carolina counties. Health Education & Behavior. 50(3):406-415.
Ankrom, B., Curry, K., Mandelbaum, J., Suthar, I., & Myers, K. (2023). The Inner Circle: A community of practice for National Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle coaches. ADCES in Practice. 11(2):16-21.
Mandelbaum, J., Brightharp, C., Myers, K., & Hicks, S. (2023). Associations between social vulnerability and provision of evidence-based diabetes prevention and management activities in South Carolina, 2019. Preventing Chronic Disease. 20:220199.
Mandelbaum, J., Kilpatrick, D., Brightharp, C., Biggers, S., Myers, K, & Hicks, S. (2022). Tobacco documentation and referral to cessation programs in medically underserved South Carolina counties. Annals of Epidemiology. 65;56-58.
Cunningham S.D., Mandelbaum, J., Shebl, F., Abraham, M., & Duffany, K.O. (2023) Neighborhood social environment and obesity risk: The mediating role of mental wellbeing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20(6602).
Mandelbaum, J. & Harrison, S.E. (2022). Perceived challenges to implementing childhood obesity prevention strategies in pediatric primary care. SSM – Qualitative Research in Health. 2(December 2022).
Mandelbaum, J. & Harrison, S.E. (2022). Primary care clinicians’ perceived role in addressing childhood obesity in the southern United States. Southern Medical Journal. 115(11):824-830.
Mandelbaum, J., Harrison, S., & Brittingham, J. (2020). Disparities in nutrition counseling for children and adolescents in South Carolina. Childhood Obesity. 16(7): 520-526.
Mandelbaum, J. & Harrison, S.E. (2020). Unsystematic tracking of BMI through electronic medical records hinders weight management over the life course. Obesity. 28(6),1001.
Brightharp, C. and Mandelbaum, J. (2023). Expanding applicability of presentations at public health conferences. Health Promotion Practice. 24(5):814-817.
McMullen, T.P., Mandelbaum, J., Myers, K.G., Brightharp, C., Kavanaugh, K., & Hicks, S. (2022). Expanding opportunities for data dissemination through collaborative writing teams in public health practice settings. Health Promotion Practice. 23(4):566-568.
Benavidez, G.A., Mandelbaum, J., & Fisk, C.E. (2021). Complexities of COVID-19 demonstrate the need for interdisciplinary research training in graduate school. Public Health Reports. 136(4);391-393.
Mandelbaum, J. & Fuller, T.J. (2021). What is the story you want to tell? Utilizing the narrative arc as an academic writing framework for graduate students in health promotion. Pedagogy in Health Promotion. 7(2):144-147.
Mandelbaum, J. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic highlights need for teaching health communication to public health students. Pedagogy in Health Promotion. 7(1):7-10.
Mandelbaum, J. (2020). Advancing health equity by integrating intersectionality into epidemiologic research: Applications and challenges. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 74(9):761-762.